“Conquering Life And Achieving Happiness”

Garisha Herath
6 min readMar 31, 2017

To the beautiful person who is reading this -;

A relaxing guide to being stress free and happy, and through the help of these, how you can enjoy life . One may call this a sort of therapy but the things that I will be writing here may come useful to each and every one of us in our lives because simply we are all human and you might be able to relate to at least one of these problems. So let’s take a little break from this exhausting and busy life style to change our life one small step at a time for our own well-being . I myself have read many books to get through depression and unhappy , stressful times and the things that I will be writing here have worked very well in helping me to have a peace of mind and to concentrate on my studies more. Though I have not yet mastered the art of conquering life to the fullest , I am following the steps that I will be adding in this next few chapters to have a healthy mind and soul. Hope this will be useful and please, enjoy .

-Be happy and be positive , spread love and talk good . -

How to enjoy life? One might think that this is a vague topic and that one can’t write it simply within a few minutes over simplifying life struggles and it’s problems. Trust me , You will thank yourself for reading this. I will not over simplify life, but i will not go in-depth of the negative things in life eighter.

Step one - What do you want from life ?

Choose an answer from these and keep it in your head.

  • A possession you’ve want since you were a child
  • Happiness and satisfaction
  • Money for the rest of your life
  • To compete with what your cousins or friends have achieved
  • A vacation whenever you want and where ever possible
  • To Work day and night (workaholic )

If you chose the second one , You are in the right path to mental , spiritual and physical peace and you have already conquered the basic step of your life , congragulations! Choosing the right path matters because what you think is what you become . No one can change your thinking pattern other than yourself , if you choose to have unlimited amount of money , yes , it will probably get you all the materialistic things you always wanted but with access to unlimited money comes greed , and with greed man becomes blind and insensitive to his world outside. Greed is uncontrollable , and once it engulfs man , man will be a slave of money . Where’s love ? Where’s the same old person that everyone used to know ? That person might be now a complete different person because of greed and blind notions of power. With unlimited access to money or on being very rich comes haters and enemies , and you become a part of a vicious life cycle . That vicious cycle goes like; Chasing after materialistic possessions and wealth leading to unhealthy addictions and unsatisfaction of being not rich enough which then leads to an unhappy personal ,family and office life, which all leads to the number of gradually increasing haters around you without or with your knowledge. At the end of the day is it worth leaving happiness behind and always being haunted by anxiety and unsatisfaction?

Analyse the problems you have .

  • What are the causes to these problems ?
  • Don’t over think about your problems.
  • Are the problems caused by someone else or by your own taunting mind?
  • How often do you spend a day worrying about them?
  • How do you face the problems ? Do you run away or face them?

First of all if there is something that worries you don’t keep it for yourself , be open about it and share them with someone you trust . A family member , a close friend or perhaps even a counsellor as you prefer. Never keep problems to yourself. By this, your not doing anything good for yourself , your slowly torturing your mind by keeping it all locked up inside. After you share your problem or the thing that bothers you don’t ever recall that again and don’t ever talk about it with anyone else and make sure to tell others not to ask you about it as well because by repeating your problem or the cause for your sadness your only refreshing that same awful memory and this makes it easier for your brain to memorize it very well. What you want to do is forget it. You take that pressure off your chest by sharing the story and now don’t ever think about it , try to forget it. Your will be doing yourself a huge favour . Not kidding, You will thank Yourself for making sure to keep these simple rules in mind.

If it’s caused by your own insecurities and fears , fear not , You are loved more than you think and you are never alone . Everyone has insecurities but it is up to you to be confident and to think about what you love about your self and then gradually start appreciating and embracing what your insecure about . It’s not an overnight process so it takes time and patience. Be patient and embrace yourself . Look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the beauty in you .

Don’t spend a second on wasting time in thinking about your problems . It will only cause more unhappiness . If you start recalling that awful memory , distract yourself with a little treat or with something that makes you happy.

Don’t ever flee from your problems , keep a straight face and face them . This will not only show your opponent how strong you are but will make your brain think that you are strong . Don’t ever break down crying in front of the person who made you sad or bullied you. This will only make that person very happy to see that he / she achieved what he wanted. Don’t ever let your emotions take over . Be logical and think of the pros and cons of what you hear.

Enough of problems . Here are few pictures to make you happy ,

Remember to love yourself , You are beautiful and you are loved . You are pretty and handsome and even though you don’t know, there might be thousands of people who look up to you and say “ she is so pretty and amazing !” or “ he is so kind and handsome “ you might be a role model for people even though you might have never even talked with them. So don’t ever underestimate yourself . It doesn’t mean we are alone and lonely and not loved just because no one had come up to us and tell what they love about us to our face. Everybody doesn’t have the same confidence and maybe you might seem to be a strong character and therefore people may have chose to secretly admire you and your amazing talents from a distant or maybe even being close to you . So don’t ever think bad about yourself . If you see someone you admire don’t be shy or scared to tell them that . It might be the best thing that has happened to that person that whole day or maybe week. Brighten up someone else’s day by admiring them and telling them what you love about them without keeping it all inside , but don’t say anything that will make that person feel insecure or bad mouth them . Everyone deserves love and you can start doing it today . Make others smile . Once you did that you will question yourself “it wasn’t that hard was it?” be the reason someone smiles . Change yourself and others one step at a time .

— Garisha

